The Peace Dividend Trust has staff in Dili and 6 districts; including the largest and the most isolated, Lautem, Baucau, Ainaro, Cova Lima, Bobonaro and Oecusse. Staff in these districts provide local procurement matchmaking services to international organisations and personnel conducting activities at the District level.
If you want to buy locally and thus support economic development in the Districts, where it counts most contact either PDT staff in the Districts directly (E) denotes English Speaking. All speak Bahasa and some speak Portuguese. All operate in their home districts.
Micro Matchmaking Associate
Ilidio Ximenes +670 723 3335
iximenes@peacedividendtrust.org (E)
Micro Matchmaking Assistants Lautem
Octavio Lopes +670 732 3837 (E)
Quiteria Fernandes +670 5705 (E)
Baucau Representative
Adalgiza Freitas Marcal +670 724 9580 (E)
Micromatchmaking Assistants Baucau
Helven Bento +670 734 4649 (E)
Gualdina Wollo +670 728 8944 (E)
Micro Matchmaking Assistants Ainaro
Siler Ramalho +670 726 9584 (E)
Aderito do Nacimento +670 734 7139
Micro Matchmaking Assistants Cova Lima
Antonio Fahik Alves + 670 729 4020
Maria Barros +670 735 0715 (E)
Micro Matchmaking Assistants Bobonaro
Domingos Savio Dos Reis +670 733 8020
Domingos Amaral +670 727 1645 (E)
Micro Matchmaking Assistants Oecusse
Arnol Suni +670 735 1179
Linda Naheten +670 731 9232 (E)
Additionally, PDT is conducting a national business verification in which the profiles of all businesses active in Timor-Leste from Fatu Sinai to Jaco and from Tasi Mane to Tasi feto will be lodged on the Timor-Leste Online Procurement Database. This database will go live online on 20 May 2008.