Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Micromatchmaking in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts

On July 22nd, a Micro Matchmaking team consisting of Domingos Savio, Brigida Soares and Ilidio X da Costa met with Mr. Fernando Mendez, the UNMIT Public Information Officer for Bobonaro. A valuable client, Mr. Mendez regularly contacts Micro Matchmaking staff for assistance in finding goods for personal use and has also informed the UNMIT staff about PDT’s Micro Matchmaking services. At this meeting, Mr. Mendez provided both feedback on the Micro Matchmaking services and updated information on the UNMIT and UNPOL staff in the district. In Bobonaro, Ilidio X da Costa also interviewed Mrs. Jacinta Pereira, a business owner in the Maliana market. Content with the work of the Micro Matchmaking staff, Mrs. Pereira explained that she now supplies Mr. Mendez with fruits, vegetables and local eggs because of a relationship started by the Micro Matchmaking service.
In an effort to further support local business owners, the Micro Matchmaking team interviewed Mr. Marcelino Pinto, a supplier of rattan furniture in Ogues, a suco of Covalima. Mr. Pinto said that, through Micro Matchmaking staff in the districts and in Dili, he has received requests for rattan furniture from OXFAM, UNPOL and a Brazilian teacher. Micro Matchmaking staff also delivered to Mr. Pinto a request quote for rattan furniture from Hotel Esplanada, based in Dili. Given the increase in requests for his products stimulated by the Micro Matchmaking services, Mr. Pinto has decided to purchase a mobile phone to facilitate business transactions.
On July 24th, a Micro Matchmaking team consisting of Maria Barros, Brigida Soares and Ilidio X da Costa met with Mr. Rastatuto Mendonza Padilla, the UNPOL Operation Officer for Covalima. Mr. Padilla expressed his satisfaction with the assistance provided by Micro Matchmaking staff in finding both a house that UNPOL staff now rent and also a local supplier of fresh fish.

Monday, 25 August 2008

Covalima Online - www.buildingmarkets.org

The Peace Dividend Trust Verification Team has completed the first stage of surveying businesses in Covalima District. 58 businesses are now online. The results can be found with a click.

Covalima is out of sight and out of mind, and that is frankly, part of the problem, however there is alot going on in this south coast district.

Comico Suai Diak Company provides Candle nuts, coconuts, coffee, green beans, and other local products.

Desesperado Lda exports cattle. Over $300 000 worth of cattle in the last 2 or 3 years. That is a big deal on the south coast. Senhor Carlos, the owner, is pictured below with PDT Verificatiion Associate Gaspar Quintao da Silva.

Tua Hun Company is an interesting outfit. They actually construct fishing boats, in some in inconsiderable quantities and to a reasonable standard. They do not only sell boats, you can rent from them as well.
Oficina Carpintaria Sao Paulo is a success story born in 2002. It makes windows, doors and frames, bedroom and bathroom furniture and shrine/oratorio. What a wonderful thing 24 hour electricity would be for this business.

And we should not forget Buka Moris / Looking for Lfe Rattan which makes good quality rattan furniture. Since our blog entry in May 2008 Buka Moris has received a large number of orders. So many that they have leected to purchase a mobile phone...?!

Find what you are looking for http://www.buildingmarkets.org/.

Friday, 22 August 2008

The Beach Hut Business Without a Timor Telecom Signal

Interested in beach huts/bungalows in Timor-Leste? There are actually a few of them. Some are easy to call and some are not so easy to call.

Usually when one thinks of beach bungalows in Timor we think of those at the end of the ferry journey to Atauro and the below three views...

or those at the end of road heading east and you will find Tutuala.

However, there is a set of bungalows which are often overlooked – even by the Peace Dividend Trust.

The Baucau Beach Bungalows.

Situated at the bopttom of the road to the white sand beach at the foot of the baucau Town Plateau it is right under everyone's nose - and as such it gets passed by. However, while it is easy to get to just being 10 min down the hill from Baucau Town it is impossible to telephone. Amazingly enough despite its proximity to the second largest urban area in the country Timor Telecom has yet to find a way to extend its signal down to the beach. While some might think this desireable others do not. Senhor Jose Maria Borges pictured above bemoaned this fact to the blogger a week ago.
"How can I operate a business without phone signal?"
Good question. In any event you can text him on his new number +670 739 7467 and he might get it when he goes up the hill. Or you can contact the PDT micromatchmaking team (M3) in Baucau to faciliate contact see - http://buylocaltimorleste.blogspot.com/2008/05/country-wide.html
If you are interested in other goods and services in Baucau just click here for the Baucau listings on the Timor-Leste Online Procurement Database.

If you are still having trouble finding what you are looking for in Baucau just contact PDT for personalized assistance (timor-leste@peacedividendtrust.org)

Monday, 11 August 2008

Ainaro Online - www.buildingmarkets.org

The above business Naroman Block was verified in Ainaro by Adelaide Vasconcelos and Gaspar Quintao da Silva....
The Peace Dividend Trust Verification team has completed the first stage of surveying businesses in Ainaro District. 52 businesses are now online.
..... you can also find a range of services in the local marketplace. There is of course the famous Poussada Maubisse.
You can always find babyfood at the Loja Nabilan.
If you are looking for Seedlings and seeds of fruits, vegetables and trees (casuarina, cedro, mimosa, ai kiar) then visit CV Tahu in Hatubuilico.
Find what you are looking for at http://www.buildingmarkets.org/.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste. Nakroma Fery.

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Australian Airline Flies First Singapore-Dili Run

DILI, Aug 1 (Reuters) - Australian airline Austasia Airlines Pty Ltd made its first commercial flight from Singapore to East Timor's capital Dili on Friday, hoping to cash in as more tourists and investors visit Asia's youngest country.

"This will make it easy for investors who want to come to East Timor," said President Jose Ramos-Horta, who was on board the Perth-based airline's flight.

East Timor will also work with Singapore's government to advertise its tourist attractions in Singapore in the hope of attracting more tourists from the region, said Gil da Costa Alves, East Timor's minister for trade, industry and tourism.

Indonesia's Merpati airline flies between the Indonesian resort island of Bali and East Timor.
Austasia will fly once a week in August, increasing the frequency of flights to three times a week in September.

East Timor became independent in 2002 after it was invaded and occupied by Indonesia. It is still struggling to achieve political stability and prosperity despite its rich oil and gas resources.

(Reporting by Lirio Fonseca; Writing by Olivia Rondonuwu; Editing by Sara Webb)