Please find English and Tetum translations below …
Announcing District Business Guides: Manufahi District
Dili, Timor-Leste, 01 October 2008 –
This Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) Timor-Leste District Business Guide is the first in a new series of PDT District Business Guides. The Guide is based on verification activities undertaken by PDT in Manufahi during August 2008 and features the details of thirty-nine Manufahi businesses.
Go to to access the guides.
In coming months, PDT will produce District Business Guides for all of Timor-Leste’s thirteen districts. The data included in this guide was accurate at the time of survey. Resources permitting, the data will be updated at regular intervals. In case of errors or inaccuracies, please write to or contact PDT on +670 332 2823.
What is PDT and what does PDT do?
PDT works to connect buyers with suppliers both national and international in order to stimulate the economy and create jobs. To this end PDT opened a Tender Distribution Centre in December 2007, commenced matchmaking activities in January 2008 and launched a Timor-Leste Online Procurement Website in May 2008. PDT also offers tailored training assistance.
What has PDT achieved to date?
Since commencing activities in Timor-Leste in late 2007, PDT has achieved the following outcomes:
• Verified approximately 1,700 businesses in all thirteen districts of Timor-Leste, with reverification presently underway to ensure that the database remains current.
• Entered the details of over 1,500 businesses into the PDT Online Procurement Database located at In the first four months of operation this database attracted 4000 visitors who made a total of 25,000 page views.
• Completed 266 matchmaking requests equating to an estimated USD 2 million.
• Completed 972 micro-matchmaking requests equating to an estimated USD 1 million.
• Operated a Tender Distribution Centre which has distributed 171 tenders, thereby facilitating an estimated USD 5.3 million in local procurement.
• Opened an online tender-posting service featuring Timor-Leste Government tenders and Intent to Award notices. Within the first sixty days, 148 tenders and award notices (equivalent to USD 15 million of Government spending) were posted on this electronic archive.
• Initiated the development of a Buy Local Baucau Business Guide (featuring city map)
In coming weeks, PDT Timor-Leste will consolidate its achievements with the release of a national profile of the Timor-Leste business community based upon the business verification activities undertaken since November 2007.
About this Business Guide
Where possible, the businesses in this Guide have been ordered according to main area of business activity. However, users of this guide are urged to review the section on General Supplier and Service Providers in addition to more specific sections of the Guide when searching for goods and services in the district of Manufahi. Those users equipped with a computer will be benefit from the use of the PDF-file ‘search’ function.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email:
Atu anunsia imediatamente.
Anunsiu de paseiros : Matadalan ba Negosiu Distritu Nian - Manufahi
Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) Timor-Leste nia Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian ne’e nu’udár ida-uluk iha série foun ida husi PDT nia Matadalan ba Negósi Distritu nian. Matadalan ne’e bazeia ba aktividade verifikasaun nian sira ne’ebé mak PDT halao ona iha Manufahi durante fulan Agostu 2008 no fó detallu sira kona-bá negósiu tolunulu resin-sia iha Manufahi.
Ba atu hetan matadalan ida ne'e.
Iha fulan hirak tuirmai, PDT sei prodúz Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian ba Timor-Leste nia distritu sanulu resin-tolu hotu-hotu, no série sira ne’e sei ramata ho produsaun ba Matadalan ba Negósiu Timor-Leste nian. Dadus ne’ebé inklui iha matadalan ida-ne’e ezatu iha tempu ne’ebé halo levantamentu. Bainhira rekursu sira permite, dadus sira-ne’e sei atualizadu iha intervalu sira regulár nian. Iha kazu kona-bá erru ka inezatidaun, favór hakerek ba ka kontaktu PDT iha +670 332 2823.
Saida mak PDT no saida mak PDT halo?
PDT serbisu atu hatutan kompradór sira ho fornesidór nasionál sira no internasionál nian atu bele estimula ekonomia no kria serbisu. Ba objetivu ida-ne’e PDT loke Sentru Distribuisaun Tender nian iha fulan Dezembru 2007, hahú aktividade sira parseria (matchmaking) nian iha fulan Janeiru 2008 no halo lansamentu ba Website Aprovizionamentu Online Timor-Leste nian iha fulan Maiu 2008. PDT mós oferese asisténsia treinamentu personalizadu.
Saida mak PDT alkansa ona to’o ohin loron?
Dezde hahú atividade sira iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 2007 nia rohan, PDT alkansa ona rezultadu sira tuirmai:
• Verifika maizumenus negósiu hamutuk 1,722 iha Timor-Leste nia distritu sanulu resin-tolu hotu-hotu, ho reverifikasaun ne’ebé daudaun ne’e halao hela atu asegura katak baze de dadus ne’e atualizadu nafatin.
• Hatama detallu sira husi negósiu 1,500 resin ba iha PDT nia Baze de Dadus ba Aprovizionamentu Online ne’ebé lokalizadu iha Iha fulan haat primeiru husi operasaun nian baze de dadus ne’e atrai vizitante hamutuk 4000 ne’ebé halo vista total ba pájina 25,000.
• Kompleta ona pedidu sira parseria (matchmaking) nian hamutuk 266 ne’ebé ekivale ho estimasaun ida iha Dollares Amerikanu millaun 2.
• Kompleta ona pedidu sira micro-parseria (micro-matchmaking) nian hamutuk 972 ne’ebé ekivale ho estimasaun ida iha Dollares Amerikanu millaun 1.
• Funsiona Sentru Distribuisaun Tender nian ne’ebé distribui ona tender hamutuk 171, hodi nune’e fasilita ona kálkulu ida husi Dollares Amerikanu millaun 5.3 iha aprovizionamentu lokál nian.
• Loke ona servisu kolokasaun-tender online nian ne’ebé aprezenta Governu Timor-Leste nia tender sira no mós notifikasaun sira kona-bá Intensaun atu Oferese. Durante loron neen nulu ida-uluk nian, tender no mós notifikasaun oferese nian hamutuk 148 (ekivalente ho Dollares Amerikanu millaun 15 husi despeza Governu nian) mak afiksa ona iha arkivu elektrónika ida-ne’e.
• Inisia ona dezenvolvimentu ba Matadalan ida husi Sosa ih Rai Laran ba Negósiu Baucau nian (aprezenta mapa sidade nian)
PDT Timor-Leste nia Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian Manufahi Setembru 2008 ii
Iha semana sira tuimai, PDT Timor-Leste sei konsolida ninia alkanse sira hotu hodi fó sai préfil nasionál ida husi komunidade negósiu Timor-Leste nian bazeia ba atividade sira verifikasaun negósiu nian ne’ebé mak halao ona dezde fulan Novembru 2007.
Kona-bá Matadalan ida-ne’e
Bainhira posível, negósiu sira iha Matadalan ida-ne’e nia laran tau ona tuir orden bazeia ba área principal husi atividade negósiu nian. Maibé, akonsella ba utente sira husi matadalan ida-ne’e nian atu revee seksaun kona-bá Distribuidór Jerál & Fornesidór Servisu nian sira iha adisaun ba seksaun sira ne’ebé espesífiku liu husi Matadalan ne’e bainhira buka sasan no servisu sira iha distritu Manufahi. Utente sira ne’ebé ekipadu ho komputadór ida sei hetan benefísiu husi uzu husi funsaun ‘peskiza’ fixáriu-PDF nian.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Monday, 29 September 2008
Thursday, 25 September 2008
All-Time High Coffee Export From CCT

Cooperativa Cafe Timor (CCT) is exporting $12 million-worth of coffee this yearits highest production level so farafter buying 18,000 metric tons of coffee cherry from farmer members.
USAID is supporting CCT through the Timor Economic Rehabilitation Program implemented by the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA). In early 2008, USAID launched a public-private partnership with a major U.S. trade and investment company, Cooperative Business International, to further help the 22,000 coffee farmers’ who are members of this cooperative to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of the international coffee market. (September 16, 2008)

Monday, 22 September 2008
Kor Timor Supports Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste.

Please find English and Tetum translations below …
Announcing Partnership: Kor Timor and Peace Dividend Trust
Dili, Timor-Leste, 22 September 2008 – Kor Timor and the Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) today announced a partnership in promoting job creation and Timor-Leste’s domestic private sector. Kor Timor is a leading manufacturer of locally hand-made products (including but not limited to boxes, books, packaging, bags) made from recycled, hand-made paper and Timor tais. In support of the “ Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste.” campaign Kor Timor will display the logo and slogan (above) on its products in the future.
Located in Taibessi, Dili, next to the Juvenile Centre, Kor Timor employs 17 people and serves institutional customers such as the Office of the President, Government and the diplomatic community, as well as exporting a small quantity of products to Australia. It also supplies local outlets and has its own shop at its workplace. “When this employment project started in 2007, we hoped it would be successful and provide jobs into the future for Timorese people in the community. We are amazed at the success of our products and the response from our clients,” said Sheila Boston, Manager, Kor Timor.
The “Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste” campaign is designed to promote the domestic private sector and drive job creation. Launched by the Peace Dividend Trust and the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry in May 2008, the campaign is part of the Peace Dividend Trust Marketplace project. Approximately 1600 verified business profiles can be found on the Timor-Leste online procurement database online at PDT also provides buyer-supplier matchmaking services in Dili and six district,s in addition to a comprehensive Tender Distribution Centre. All services are free of charge.
“I invite any and all interested parties who are eager to promote business in Timor-Leste to partner with us in promoting the Timor-Leste Online Procurement Database by mounting the logo and slogan on their products or capital assets,” said Edward Rees, Country Director of PDT. “The Ministry of Infrastructure was very supportive when it allowed us to mount the logo and slogan on the Nakroma Ferry.” “I am especially pleased that Kor Timor has joined with us as it is a small business with a big profile offering a niche product here and abroad,” said Celio Alves PDT Matchmaking Associate.
About Kor Timor
Announcing Partnership: Kor Timor and Peace Dividend Trust
Dili, Timor-Leste, 22 September 2008 – Kor Timor and the Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) today announced a partnership in promoting job creation and Timor-Leste’s domestic private sector. Kor Timor is a leading manufacturer of locally hand-made products (including but not limited to boxes, books, packaging, bags) made from recycled, hand-made paper and Timor tais. In support of the “ Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste.” campaign Kor Timor will display the logo and slogan (above) on its products in the future.
Located in Taibessi, Dili, next to the Juvenile Centre, Kor Timor employs 17 people and serves institutional customers such as the Office of the President, Government and the diplomatic community, as well as exporting a small quantity of products to Australia. It also supplies local outlets and has its own shop at its workplace. “When this employment project started in 2007, we hoped it would be successful and provide jobs into the future for Timorese people in the community. We are amazed at the success of our products and the response from our clients,” said Sheila Boston, Manager, Kor Timor.
The “Buy Local. Build Timor-Leste” campaign is designed to promote the domestic private sector and drive job creation. Launched by the Peace Dividend Trust and the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry in May 2008, the campaign is part of the Peace Dividend Trust Marketplace project. Approximately 1600 verified business profiles can be found on the Timor-Leste online procurement database online at PDT also provides buyer-supplier matchmaking services in Dili and six district,s in addition to a comprehensive Tender Distribution Centre. All services are free of charge.
“I invite any and all interested parties who are eager to promote business in Timor-Leste to partner with us in promoting the Timor-Leste Online Procurement Database by mounting the logo and slogan on their products or capital assets,” said Edward Rees, Country Director of PDT. “The Ministry of Infrastructure was very supportive when it allowed us to mount the logo and slogan on the Nakroma Ferry.” “I am especially pleased that Kor Timor has joined with us as it is a small business with a big profile offering a niche product here and abroad,” said Celio Alves PDT Matchmaking Associate.
About Kor Timor
Kor Timor is a not-for-profit business, funded by an Australian donor and managed by an Australian volunteer. At a suitable time in the future, 3-5 years, after training and capacity development, Kor Timor will be given to the Timorese staff who work here to administer.
Kor Timor Unipesosal Lda
Rua Merkadu Taibessi
Website: via
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email:
Atu anunsia imediatamente.
Anunsiu de paseiros : Kor Timor no Peace Dividend Trust
Dili.Timor-Leste,22-Setembru-2008-Kor Timor no Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) ohin anunsia parseira ida kona ba promosaun kriasaun empregu no sector privado domestiku Timor-Leste nian.Kor Timor mak lidera produtores ba produtus manuais lokal (inclui maibe la limite ba kaixas, livrus, falun sasan, pasta) halo husi surat tahan ujadu (Lixu) nebe bele uja fali no Tais Timor.Atu suporta kampanya ”Sosa Iha Rai Laran. Hari Timor-Leste” Kor Timor sei amostra logo no slougan (iha leten) ba nia produto iha futuru.
Hela iha Taibesi, Dili besik ba Centru Juvenil,Kor Timor iha empregadu nain 17 no servi konsumidores institusionais mak hanesan offisiu Presidenti nian, Governu no komunidade diplomatikus, nune’e mos haruka sai ba liur (Exporta) produtus ho kuantidade oituan ba Australia. Fo mos abastesimentu ba loja ki’ik sira no iha loja rasik iha servisu fatin.”wainhira projetu empregu ne’e komesa iha 2007, ami iha esperanca katak sei iha suksesu no fo empregu ba Timor oan sira iha futuru, iha komunidade laran.
Ami senti kontenti ho suksesu ami nia produtus no respostas husi ami nia clientes.” lia fuan husi Sheila Boston, jestor, Kor Timor.
Kampanye ”Sosa Iha Rai Laran. Hari Timor-Leste” dejenha atu promove sektor privadu domestiku no kria empregu. Lancamentu husi Peace Dividend Trust no Ministeriu Turismo, Komersiu no Industria iha fulan Maio 2008, kampanye ne’e hanesan parte ida husi projetu merkadoria Peace Dividend Trust nian. Besik 1600 (profile bisnis) dejenha negosio nebe verificadu ona no bele hare iha online databeis PDT mos provijiona servisu suporta ligasaun ba fa’an nain no sosa nain iha Dili no iha distritu 6 (nen), hanesan adisional ba centru distribuisaun tenderizasaun. Servisu hotu-hotu sei fo ho gratuita.
“Hau konvida parte ruma ou parte hotu-hotu nebe interisadu, nebe hakarak atu promove negosiu iha Timor-Leste atu halo parseria ho ami hodi promove Timor leste nia databeis aprovijionamente online ho tau logo no slougan iha sira nia produtus ou aset kapitais” lia husi Edward Rees, Reprezentante Direitor (Country Director) ba PDT iha Timor-Leste. ”Ministeiru Infrastuktura suporta makas wainhira husik ami atu lau logo no slougan iha Ró Nakroman”. ”hau laran kontenti tebes katak Kor Timor kolabora ona ho ita hanesan negosio ki’ik ida ho dezenha (profile) nebe boot i oferese produto atrai simpatia husi consumedores iha ne’e no iha rai liur” lia fuan husi Celio Alves PDT Machmaking Assosiate.
Kona ba Kor Timor
Kor Timor laos negosio nebe buka osan, hetan suporta finansialmente husi doadores Australiano no hetan jestaun husi volontariu husi Australia. Hare ba tempu nebe bele, iha tinan 3-5 oin mai, depois de treinamentu no dezenvolmentu kapasidade, Kor Timor sei entrega ba pesoal Timor oan nebe servisu iha ne’e atu jesta.
Kor Timor Unipesoal Lda
Rua Merkadu Taibessi
Website: via
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace DividendTrust hanesan ONG internasional ho nia base iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeito Timor-Leste hetan suporta finansialmente husi AusAID. PDT laos entidade nebe buka osan. Servisu hotu-hotu nebe nia oferese ba komunidade ne’e gratuita.
Presisa informacao ruma bele kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide,Dili,East Timor
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Buying From Timor for Timor?
3-5 November 20081. "Buying from Africa for Africa"
Regional Buyers/Sellers Meeting organized by the International Trade Centre (ITC) on 3-5 November 2008 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The event aims at facilitating aid agencies' procurement from Africa and at increasing the share of vendors from developing countries in aid procurement. It covers emergency items, water and sanitation equipment, agricultural products, construction materials and transport services. For more information, you may contact Ms. Sylvie Bétemps Cochin, ITC ( Link to ITC website:
Regional Buyers/Sellers Meeting organized by the International Trade Centre (ITC) on 3-5 November 2008 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The event aims at facilitating aid agencies' procurement from Africa and at increasing the share of vendors from developing countries in aid procurement. It covers emergency items, water and sanitation equipment, agricultural products, construction materials and transport services. For more information, you may contact Ms. Sylvie Bétemps Cochin, ITC ( Link to ITC website:
Friday, 19 September 2008
Receive updated information about Jobs in Timor-Leste!
English and Tetun versions follow…
Friday 19 September 2008
Receive updated information about Jobs in Timor-Leste! Subscribe to the email service at Peace Dividend Trust’s Serbisu Website.
The Serbisu website has information on 135 current and past Job opportunities, including 30 from various local and international NGOs, 80 from International Organizations (UN, AusAID, USAID, World Bank, ADB), 20 from the Government of Timor-Leste and 5 from private businesses.
Visit PDT’s Serbisu website, enter your email address, and start receiving daily updates on Jobs in Timor-Leste:
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.2823. Email:
Sesta 19 Septembru 2008
Simu ona informasaun foun kona ba VAGA de SERBISU iha Timor Leste! Bele hare regularmente ou visita email serviso nian iha Peace Dividend Trust’s SERBISU website.
Website kona ba SERBISU nia iha ona informasaun ba 135 VAGA de SERBISU foun, incluido 30 vaga de serbisu mai hosi NGO lokal no NGO Internasional, 80 vaga de serbisu mai hosi Organizasaun Internasional mak hanesan UN, USAID, World Bank ho ADB, 20 vaga de serbisu mai hosi Governo Timor Leste no 5 vaga de serbisu mak mai hosi compania privado.
Mai Visita PDT Serbisu website, hatama ita nia dirasaun email no comesa simu informasaun loron-loron kona ba VAGA de SERBISU iha Timor Leste.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332 2823 Email:
Friday 19 September 2008
Receive updated information about Jobs in Timor-Leste! Subscribe to the email service at Peace Dividend Trust’s Serbisu Website.
The Serbisu website has information on 135 current and past Job opportunities, including 30 from various local and international NGOs, 80 from International Organizations (UN, AusAID, USAID, World Bank, ADB), 20 from the Government of Timor-Leste and 5 from private businesses.
Visit PDT’s Serbisu website, enter your email address, and start receiving daily updates on Jobs in Timor-Leste:
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.2823. Email:
Sesta 19 Septembru 2008
Simu ona informasaun foun kona ba VAGA de SERBISU iha Timor Leste! Bele hare regularmente ou visita email serviso nian iha Peace Dividend Trust’s SERBISU website.
Website kona ba SERBISU nia iha ona informasaun ba 135 VAGA de SERBISU foun, incluido 30 vaga de serbisu mai hosi NGO lokal no NGO Internasional, 80 vaga de serbisu mai hosi Organizasaun Internasional mak hanesan UN, USAID, World Bank ho ADB, 20 vaga de serbisu mai hosi Governo Timor Leste no 5 vaga de serbisu mak mai hosi compania privado.
Mai Visita PDT Serbisu website, hatama ita nia dirasaun email no comesa simu informasaun loron-loron kona ba VAGA de SERBISU iha Timor Leste.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332 2823 Email:
Tenders in Timor from Peace Dividend Trust.
English and Tetun versions follow…
Wednesday 17 September 2008
Tenders in Timor from Peace Dividend Trust.
Receive updated information about tenders in Timor-Leste! Subscribe to the email service at Peace Dividend Trust’s Tender Website.
The Tender Website has information on 150 current and past tenders, including 70 from the Government of Timor-Leste and 30 from international organizations operating in Timor-Leste.
PDT’s website also archives over 120 Tender and Intent to Award Announcements from the Government of Timor-Leste.
Visit PDT’s Tender website, enter your email address, and start receiving daily updates on tenders in Timor-Leste:
In the future, PDT will use the information in the tender archive to assess the tendering process in Timor-Leste.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email:
Quarta 17 Setembru 2008
Tenders iha Timor, husi Peace Dividend Trust
Simu ona informasaun foun kona ba TENDER iha Timor Leste! Bele hare regularmente ou visita email serviso nian iha Peace Dividend Trust's, TENDER Website.
Website kona ba TENDER nian, iha ona informasaun hamutuk 150 tender foun no tender tuan, incluidu 70 ba tender nebe mai hosi Governo Timor Leste no 30 ba tender nebe mak mai hosi agencia internasional nebe mak existe hela iha Timor Leste.
Website PDT nian arqivo ona 120 tender no mantein objectivo atu anuncia tan hosi Governo Timor Leste nian.
Mai Visita PDT TENDER website, hatama ita nia dirasaun email no hahu simu informasaun loron-loron kona ba Tender iha Timor Leste.
Iha futuru, PDT sei uza informasaun iha arqivo tender nian hodi halo estudu kona ba prosesu tender iha Timor Leste.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332 2823 Email:
Wednesday 17 September 2008
Tenders in Timor from Peace Dividend Trust.
Receive updated information about tenders in Timor-Leste! Subscribe to the email service at Peace Dividend Trust’s Tender Website.
The Tender Website has information on 150 current and past tenders, including 70 from the Government of Timor-Leste and 30 from international organizations operating in Timor-Leste.
PDT’s website also archives over 120 Tender and Intent to Award Announcements from the Government of Timor-Leste.
Visit PDT’s Tender website, enter your email address, and start receiving daily updates on tenders in Timor-Leste:
In the future, PDT will use the information in the tender archive to assess the tendering process in Timor-Leste.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email:
Quarta 17 Setembru 2008
Tenders iha Timor, husi Peace Dividend Trust
Simu ona informasaun foun kona ba TENDER iha Timor Leste! Bele hare regularmente ou visita email serviso nian iha Peace Dividend Trust's, TENDER Website.
Website kona ba TENDER nian, iha ona informasaun hamutuk 150 tender foun no tender tuan, incluidu 70 ba tender nebe mai hosi Governo Timor Leste no 30 ba tender nebe mak mai hosi agencia internasional nebe mak existe hela iha Timor Leste.
Website PDT nian arqivo ona 120 tender no mantein objectivo atu anuncia tan hosi Governo Timor Leste nian.
Mai Visita PDT TENDER website, hatama ita nia dirasaun email no hahu simu informasaun loron-loron kona ba Tender iha Timor Leste.
Iha futuru, PDT sei uza informasaun iha arqivo tender nian hodi halo estudu kona ba prosesu tender iha Timor Leste.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332 2823 Email:
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Ministers of developing and donor countries responsible for promoting development and Heads of multilateral and bilateral development institutions adopted the following statement in Accra, Ghana, on 4 September 2008.
“In 2008, three international conferences will help us accelerate the pace of change: the Accra High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, the United Nations MDG Summit in New York and the Financing for Development follow-up meeting in Doha. Today at Accra, we are leading the way, united in a common objective: to unlock the full potential of aid in achieving lasting development results. “
“We will promote the use of local .. procurement by adjusting donor procurement procedures and by building on examples of good practice to help improve local firms’ capacity to compete successfully for aid funded procurement.”
“In 2008, three international conferences will help us accelerate the pace of change: the Accra High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, the United Nations MDG Summit in New York and the Financing for Development follow-up meeting in Doha. Today at Accra, we are leading the way, united in a common objective: to unlock the full potential of aid in achieving lasting development results. “
“We will promote the use of local .. procurement by adjusting donor procurement procedures and by building on examples of good practice to help improve local firms’ capacity to compete successfully for aid funded procurement.”
Aid Effectiveness,
local procurement
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Tenders iha Timor, husi Peace Dividend Trust
English and Tetun versions follow…
Wednesday 17 September 2008
Tenders in Timor from Peace Dividend Trust.
Receive updated information about tenders in Timor-Leste! Subscribe to the email service at Peace Dividend Trust’s Tender Website.
The Tender Website has information on 150 current and past tenders, including 70 from the Government of Timor-Leste and 30 from international organizations operating in Timor-Leste.
PDT’s website also archives over 120 Tender and Intent to Award Announcements from the Government of Timor-Leste.
Visit PDT’s Tender website, enter your email address, and start receiving daily updates on tenders in Timor-Leste:
In the future, PDT will use the information in the tender archive to assess the tendering process in Timor-Leste.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email:
Quarta 17 Setembru 2008
Tenders iha Timor, husi Peace Dividend Trust
Simu ona informasaun foun kona ba TENDER iha Timor Leste! Bele hare regularmente ou visita email serviso nian iha Peace Dividend Trust's, TENDER Website.
Website kona ba TENDER nian, iha ona informasaun hamutuk 150 tender foun no tender tuan, incluidu 70 ba tender nebe mai hosi Governo Timor Leste no 30 ba tender nebe mak mai hosi agencia internasional nebe mak existe hela iha Timor Leste.
Website PDT nian arqivo ona 120 tender no mantein objectivo atu anuncia tan hosi Governo Timor Leste nian.
Mai Visita PDT TENDER website, hatama ita nia dirasaun email no hahu simu informasaun loron-loron kona ba Tender iha Timor Leste.
Iha futuru, PDT sei uza informasaun iha arqivo tender nian hodi halo estudu kona ba prosesu tender iha Timor Leste.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332 2823 Email:
Wednesday 17 September 2008
Tenders in Timor from Peace Dividend Trust.
Receive updated information about tenders in Timor-Leste! Subscribe to the email service at Peace Dividend Trust’s Tender Website.
The Tender Website has information on 150 current and past tenders, including 70 from the Government of Timor-Leste and 30 from international organizations operating in Timor-Leste.
PDT’s website also archives over 120 Tender and Intent to Award Announcements from the Government of Timor-Leste.
Visit PDT’s Tender website, enter your email address, and start receiving daily updates on tenders in Timor-Leste:
In the future, PDT will use the information in the tender archive to assess the tendering process in Timor-Leste.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.282. Email:
Quarta 17 Setembru 2008
Tenders iha Timor, husi Peace Dividend Trust
Simu ona informasaun foun kona ba TENDER iha Timor Leste! Bele hare regularmente ou visita email serviso nian iha Peace Dividend Trust's, TENDER Website.
Website kona ba TENDER nian, iha ona informasaun hamutuk 150 tender foun no tender tuan, incluidu 70 ba tender nebe mai hosi Governo Timor Leste no 30 ba tender nebe mak mai hosi agencia internasional nebe mak existe hela iha Timor Leste.
Website PDT nian arqivo ona 120 tender no mantein objectivo atu anuncia tan hosi Governo Timor Leste nian.
Mai Visita PDT TENDER website, hatama ita nia dirasaun email no hahu simu informasaun loron-loron kona ba Tender iha Timor Leste.
Iha futuru, PDT sei uza informasaun iha arqivo tender nian hodi halo estudu kona ba prosesu tender iha Timor Leste.
Kona ba Peace Dividend Trust iha Timor Leste
Peace Dividend Trust mak ONG internasional ida, nia quartel mak iha Ottawa, Canada. Projeitu iha Timor Leste hetan fundu husi AusAID. PDT mak nudar entidade ida nebe la’os atu buka benefisiu. Ninia servisu tomak hala’o ba komunidade ho gratuitu.
Ba informasaun liu tan, favor kontaktu:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332 2823 Email:
Monday, 15 September 2008
Manufahi Online -
The Manufahi District Business Community is Now Online –
Dili, Timor-Leste, 12 January 2008 – Today marks the launch of the online profiles of the Manufahi business community. Buyers, both domestic and international, can now access complete information about the full range of suppliers in Manufahi District on the south central coast of Timor-Leste. A resource rich area which enjoys two rainy seasons which is also relatively under populated Manufahi holds considerable promise.
Pictured here is PDT business verification assistant Lili Nunes with Carpintaria Ria Lau which make home and office furniture, school benches, beds, windows, doors and frames and shrines.
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
The Manufahi District Business Community is Now Online –
Dili, Timor-Leste, 12 January 2008 – Today marks the launch of the online profiles of the Manufahi business community. Buyers, both domestic and international, can now access complete information about the full range of suppliers in Manufahi District on the south central coast of Timor-Leste. A resource rich area which enjoys two rainy seasons which is also relatively under populated Manufahi holds considerable promise.
Pictured here is PDT business verification assistant Lili Nunes with Carpintaria Ria Lau which make home and office furniture, school benches, beds, windows, doors and frames and shrines.
The Hotel and Restaurant Manu Fahi provide 12 rooms in which 3 double beds rooms with toilet in each room, 9 single rooms with toilets in each room. Restaurant provides breakfast, lunch and supper. Type of food provided is Asian and Portuguese food. Catering is from 100 persons.
Scorpion Unipesoal Lda. makes building blocks/bricks, both construction and building new houses, bridges, roads, irrigation, plumbing, retaining wall, drainages and water installation.
About Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste
Peace Dividend Trust is an international NGO, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The Timor-Leste project is funded by AusAID. PDT is a not-for-profit entity. All of its services are provided to the community free of charge.
For more information, please contact:
Peace Dividend Trust
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.2823 Email:
Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor
Phone: +670.332.2823 Email:
Districts go online,
Friday, 12 September 2008
MTCI has $7, 000, 000 to sponsor local production
Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste works closely with the Department of Domestic Commerce in the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI). Recently, Epifanio Faculto announced that the MTCI has $7, 000, 000 to sponsor local production. For more read the 09 September 2008 Suara Timor Lorosae article below.

Sunday, 7 September 2008
UNMIT has $55 million dollars to spend
In August 2008 the United Nations Procurement Division in the Department of Mananagement in New York announced UNMIT's 2008-9 procurement requirements.
In the Acquisition Plan - United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Lestes (UNMIT), seemingly accessible only in English and only via the internet, at one can discover what types of goods and services UNMIT forecasts it will require in the 2008 - 2009 period. It estimates approximately $55 million dollars of procurement. That could, if procured locally, have a significant and positive impact on the local economy and build private sector capacity.
Click here if you want to view lisitings of where UNMIT has procured its goods and services in the past.
For a complete list of the goods and services read below or view the Acquisition Plan directly.
Mosquito fogging, grass cutting and other pest control 12 months $713,196.00
Security services UNMIT Offices in Dili and Regions. 12 months $482,000.00
Security services-Obrigado barracks 12 months $145,468.56
Residential security for all intl staff all over East Timor 12 months $2,243,700.00
Security bars 12 months $475,800.00
Lease of photocopiers, including maintenance and repair 12 months $1,124,015.00
Cleaning services med clinic, translation mortuary services in Darwin $174,200.00
Supply Office Furniture $62,900.00
Office Equipment $33,900.00
Uniforms , Flag and Decals $139,700.00
Security and Safety Eqpt $73,800.00
Stationery and Office Supplies $734,600.00
Sanitary and Cleaning Materials $360,000.00
GIS & Other equipment $102,200.00
Personal Protection Gear $127,300.00
Rations , other $143,300.00
Rations, UNPOL $260,400.00
Rations, FPU $2,118,200.00
POL, Generators $5,549,900.00
POL, Ground Transportation $1,546,100.00
Aviation Fuel $1,729,700.00
CITS Satellite transponder lease @$70000/month 1 $840,000.00
UNLB leased line share @ $2560/month 1 $30,720.00
Centralized IT services $240/pc-laptop 2076 $498,240.00
Centralized data storage $85/email account 2076 $145,320.00
Enterprise licenses $305/pc-laptop 2076 $633,180.00
Motorola Radios Spares $210,000.00
HF Radio Spares $140,000.00
Batteries $140,000.00
Satellite Equipment Spares $140,000.00
Microwave spares $140,000.00
Telephone Spares $140,000.00
Workshop tools $95,000.00
Communications spares connectors, cables $85,000.00
Toner @ $20000/month $240,000.00
Spare parts @$54000/month $648,000.00
Whse/Wshop supplies @ $6000/month $72,000.00
Desktops 270 $217,400.00
Monitors 270 $55,900.00
Laptops 149 $239,900.00
Servers 11 $235,800.00
Digital senders 10 $30,000.00
UPSs 232 $37,000.00
Network switches 80 $553,000.00
Network routers 10 $160,000.00
Storage area network 1 $30,000.00
Firewalls 2 $70,000.00
MFPs 6 $54,000.00
Network printers 28 $98,000.00
Core switch 1 $110,000.00
Annual renewal fees 6 $30,000.00
HF Equipment 22 $72,500.00
VHF equipment 228 $167,800.00
Digitial micorwave links 2 $138,000.00
Satellite equipment 19 $255,300.00
Telephone equipment 107 $205,900.00
Misc. test w/ shop equipment 12 $65,000.00
Trigyn contractual personnel 15 $750,150.00
IT support-Darwin @ $4200/month $51,000.00
Inmarsat BGAN/RBGAN usage @ $600/month 15 $108,000.00
Satellite phone usage @ $600/month 82 $590,400.00
Trigyn contractual personnel 15 $750,150.00
Existing extensions @$25/line/yr 2000 $50,000.00
Rental of comms sites in Timor @ $1000/month 20 $240,000.00
PTT fixed line charges @ $250/month 100 $300,000.00
Cellular/blackberry phone charges @ $180/month 300 $648,000.00
Locally leased circuits charges @ $19000/month 1 $228,000.00
Internet services @ $20000/month 1 $240,000.00
Radio programs $56,220.00
Soap opera $208,000.00
Newspaper ads $36,000.00
UNMIT Documentary $100,000.00
Promotional materials/printing $91,860.00
Internationally contracted personnel $252,000.00
Survey $250,000.00
Community outreach $108,000.00
Capacity building $108,000.00
PIO Services $34,000.00
PIO Production supplies $40,345.00
PIO Maintenance supplies $50,000.00
OB Van $200,000.00
TV/Radio Studio Bldg $150,000.00
Engineering Liaison Office-Darwin $180,000.00
Tool Kits A-1 ( Elec. ) $30,000.00
Tool Kits A-3 (Refrigerator) $30,000.00
Tool Kits B-1 (Carpenter) $30,000.00
Tool Kits B-2 (Plumber) $30,000.00
Tool Kits B-3 (Misc) $30,000.00
Engineering materials- various ongoing maintenance supplies $780,000.00
Misc Maintenance & Repair Service $360,000.00
Alteration & Renovation $446,000.0
Construction Services $300,000.00
Utilities $100,000.00
Hardwall 20' container $300,000.00
Freight charges-pre-fabs $45,000.00
Generator Spare Parts $350,000.00
Refrigeration, Water purification and Accommodation $74,614.00
150 Kva x 2 $62,100.00
Transport Toyotas HiAce spare parts Multiple $400,000.00
Carlog spares Multiple $93,530.00
Tyres & inner tubes Multiple $65,095.00
Nissan spare parts Multiple $200,000.00
Toyota spare parts Multiple $700,000.00
Batteries Multiple $30,000.00
Trucks spare parts Multiple $65,095.00
MHE spare parts (forklift) Multiple $35,000.00
Tyres - all makes Multiple $700,000.00
Local workshop-body & chassis repair Multiple $73,000.00
Repairs & Mainteance (Other) Multiple $90,000.00
4x4 LIGHT TRUCKS Multiple $800,000.00
Workshop tools/equipment Multiple $103,380.00
MOVCON Rotation & Repatration of FPU Personnel 563 $3,825,000.00
Freight forwarding and custom clearance TBA $650,000.00
Medical Defibrillator / Monitor 2 $50,000.00
Gas management system Level 1+ 1 $250,000.00
Other equipment Level 1+ various $150,000.00
Level 1 Supplies and Consumables $370,000.00
Dental Supplies and Consumables $50,000.00
Laboratory consumables $200,000.00
Environmental Health Consumables $74,000.00
Pharmaceuticals $300,000.00
Vaccines $200,000.00
Blood $60,000.00
Equipment Maintenance $70,000.00
Hospitalization $200,000.00
Emergency Evacuation $270,000.00
Training $114,000.00
Aviation PD/CO187/06 - Vostok Aviation Contract 4Mi-8MTV $33,792
PD/CO019/05 - Voyageur Airways Ltd. Contract 1DHC-7 $1,134,945
Proposed aircraft 2 Be-1900D $1,560,304
PD/CO187/06 - Vostok Aviation Contract 4Mi-8MTV $5,819,220
Emergency Services (Crash&Rescue) Airfield maintenance $905,200
Ground handling for passengers and cargo, Darwin Intl Airport $255,900
Fuel, oil, lubricants UNMIT fleet as per contracts $1,447,100
TOTAL (APPROXIMATE) $55, 000, 000
In the Acquisition Plan - United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Lestes (UNMIT), seemingly accessible only in English and only via the internet, at one can discover what types of goods and services UNMIT forecasts it will require in the 2008 - 2009 period. It estimates approximately $55 million dollars of procurement. That could, if procured locally, have a significant and positive impact on the local economy and build private sector capacity.
Click here if you want to view lisitings of where UNMIT has procured its goods and services in the past.
For a complete list of the goods and services read below or view the Acquisition Plan directly.
Mosquito fogging, grass cutting and other pest control 12 months $713,196.00
Security services UNMIT Offices in Dili and Regions. 12 months $482,000.00
Security services-Obrigado barracks 12 months $145,468.56
Residential security for all intl staff all over East Timor 12 months $2,243,700.00
Security bars 12 months $475,800.00
Lease of photocopiers, including maintenance and repair 12 months $1,124,015.00
Cleaning services med clinic, translation mortuary services in Darwin $174,200.00
Supply Office Furniture $62,900.00
Office Equipment $33,900.00
Uniforms , Flag and Decals $139,700.00
Security and Safety Eqpt $73,800.00
Stationery and Office Supplies $734,600.00
Sanitary and Cleaning Materials $360,000.00
GIS & Other equipment $102,200.00
Personal Protection Gear $127,300.00
Rations , other $143,300.00
Rations, UNPOL $260,400.00
Rations, FPU $2,118,200.00
POL, Generators $5,549,900.00
POL, Ground Transportation $1,546,100.00
Aviation Fuel $1,729,700.00
CITS Satellite transponder lease @$70000/month 1 $840,000.00
UNLB leased line share @ $2560/month 1 $30,720.00
Centralized IT services $240/pc-laptop 2076 $498,240.00
Centralized data storage $85/email account 2076 $145,320.00
Enterprise licenses $305/pc-laptop 2076 $633,180.00
Motorola Radios Spares $210,000.00
HF Radio Spares $140,000.00
Batteries $140,000.00
Satellite Equipment Spares $140,000.00
Microwave spares $140,000.00
Telephone Spares $140,000.00
Workshop tools $95,000.00
Communications spares connectors, cables $85,000.00
Toner @ $20000/month $240,000.00
Spare parts @$54000/month $648,000.00
Whse/Wshop supplies @ $6000/month $72,000.00
Desktops 270 $217,400.00
Monitors 270 $55,900.00
Laptops 149 $239,900.00
Servers 11 $235,800.00
Digital senders 10 $30,000.00
UPSs 232 $37,000.00
Network switches 80 $553,000.00
Network routers 10 $160,000.00
Storage area network 1 $30,000.00
Firewalls 2 $70,000.00
MFPs 6 $54,000.00
Network printers 28 $98,000.00
Core switch 1 $110,000.00
Annual renewal fees 6 $30,000.00
HF Equipment 22 $72,500.00
VHF equipment 228 $167,800.00
Digitial micorwave links 2 $138,000.00
Satellite equipment 19 $255,300.00
Telephone equipment 107 $205,900.00
Misc. test w/ shop equipment 12 $65,000.00
Trigyn contractual personnel 15 $750,150.00
IT support-Darwin @ $4200/month $51,000.00
Inmarsat BGAN/RBGAN usage @ $600/month 15 $108,000.00
Satellite phone usage @ $600/month 82 $590,400.00
Trigyn contractual personnel 15 $750,150.00
Existing extensions @$25/line/yr 2000 $50,000.00
Rental of comms sites in Timor @ $1000/month 20 $240,000.00
PTT fixed line charges @ $250/month 100 $300,000.00
Cellular/blackberry phone charges @ $180/month 300 $648,000.00
Locally leased circuits charges @ $19000/month 1 $228,000.00
Internet services @ $20000/month 1 $240,000.00
Radio programs $56,220.00
Soap opera $208,000.00
Newspaper ads $36,000.00
UNMIT Documentary $100,000.00
Promotional materials/printing $91,860.00
Internationally contracted personnel $252,000.00
Survey $250,000.00
Community outreach $108,000.00
Capacity building $108,000.00
PIO Services $34,000.00
PIO Production supplies $40,345.00
PIO Maintenance supplies $50,000.00
OB Van $200,000.00
TV/Radio Studio Bldg $150,000.00
Engineering Liaison Office-Darwin $180,000.00
Tool Kits A-1 ( Elec. ) $30,000.00
Tool Kits A-3 (Refrigerator) $30,000.00
Tool Kits B-1 (Carpenter) $30,000.00
Tool Kits B-2 (Plumber) $30,000.00
Tool Kits B-3 (Misc) $30,000.00
Engineering materials- various ongoing maintenance supplies $780,000.00
Misc Maintenance & Repair Service $360,000.00
Alteration & Renovation $446,000.0
Construction Services $300,000.00
Utilities $100,000.00
Hardwall 20' container $300,000.00
Freight charges-pre-fabs $45,000.00
Generator Spare Parts $350,000.00
Refrigeration, Water purification and Accommodation $74,614.00
150 Kva x 2 $62,100.00
Transport Toyotas HiAce spare parts Multiple $400,000.00
Carlog spares Multiple $93,530.00
Tyres & inner tubes Multiple $65,095.00
Nissan spare parts Multiple $200,000.00
Toyota spare parts Multiple $700,000.00
Batteries Multiple $30,000.00
Trucks spare parts Multiple $65,095.00
MHE spare parts (forklift) Multiple $35,000.00
Tyres - all makes Multiple $700,000.00
Local workshop-body & chassis repair Multiple $73,000.00
Repairs & Mainteance (Other) Multiple $90,000.00
4x4 LIGHT TRUCKS Multiple $800,000.00
Workshop tools/equipment Multiple $103,380.00
MOVCON Rotation & Repatration of FPU Personnel 563 $3,825,000.00
Freight forwarding and custom clearance TBA $650,000.00
Medical Defibrillator / Monitor 2 $50,000.00
Gas management system Level 1+ 1 $250,000.00
Other equipment Level 1+ various $150,000.00
Level 1 Supplies and Consumables $370,000.00
Dental Supplies and Consumables $50,000.00
Laboratory consumables $200,000.00
Environmental Health Consumables $74,000.00
Pharmaceuticals $300,000.00
Vaccines $200,000.00
Blood $60,000.00
Equipment Maintenance $70,000.00
Hospitalization $200,000.00
Emergency Evacuation $270,000.00
Training $114,000.00
Aviation PD/CO187/06 - Vostok Aviation Contract 4Mi-8MTV $33,792
PD/CO019/05 - Voyageur Airways Ltd. Contract 1DHC-7 $1,134,945
Proposed aircraft 2 Be-1900D $1,560,304
PD/CO187/06 - Vostok Aviation Contract 4Mi-8MTV $5,819,220
Emergency Services (Crash&Rescue) Airfield maintenance $905,200
Ground handling for passengers and cargo, Darwin Intl Airport $255,900
Fuel, oil, lubricants UNMIT fleet as per contracts $1,447,100
TOTAL (APPROXIMATE) $55, 000, 000
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