My name is Leonard Lemos Sim. I was born in Suai, Covalima on May 5, 1967. I was born in a business family. My family ran business in transportation. My education background was not higher. I even did not finish my study at elementary school. I have had ideas to run a business but I could not because I still have no money to run it. I know own Diamond Workshop - contact details here.

In UNTAET period I worked at SVSC or Makita as sub-contractor for Mr. Robert fixing UN cars for three months in early 2000. I started my own business in the mid of 2000. How I started this business? I collected ideas from my workmate from SVSC Company and other friends that have business background. At the first time, I started my business from a very small standard and only fixed individual cars. It was a very hard time for me to start my business, because I have no money, used manual tools and only 5 people worked with me. There were only 15 X 20M2 of land used as space to run that business. And the only things that I could keep developing my business were spirit, confidence, reliability, punctuality and the efficiency of work.

Because of those efforts I made, eventually I got many clients from different individuals, government, local and international NGOS, Institutes including UN as my permanent client.

From the hard time of the struggle, finally my business extended and became well-known. The good things that could make me happy “if our clients satisfy and smile to our services” that is my motto.