Thursday, 28 May 2009

Micro Matchmaking Innovations towards KIOS Asela

On March 12, 2009, Micro Matchmaking District Representative for Covalima, Mr. Alberto de Araujo met Mr. Marcelo dos Santos owner of the local business "KIOS Asela" to provide advice on what institutional and individual buyers are looking to source in Covalima.

Mr. Alberto told Mr. Marcelo that many International NGOs wanted office stationery/materials; computer inks, flipcharts, board markers, glues, paper folders, note books, pencils and mobile phones but that only one shop supplied these goods at high prices. Up to this point Mr. Marcelo’s shop only supplied more basic goods.

Mr. Alberto suggested that KIOS Asela diversify its stock and take note of his advice on what some larger buyers are looking to purchase. Subsequently, KIOS Asela began to stock these goods and profits are on the rise.

After the PDT M3 Team spread the word of a new supplier for office materials KIOS Asela’s income has increased from $120-175/month to $300-500/month.

Mr. Marcelo says that "I am really happy with PDT assistance which link buyers to suppliers and I have got many more orders from the NGOs and government related to the office stationery and materials".

If you want to purchase office stationery and materials in Covalima, KIOS Asela, can be found through Mr. Marcelo dos Santos, +670 727 6936, Leogore, Debos, Suai Vila.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

PDT Timor-Leste Releases District Business Guide for Liquica District

Planning on visiting Liquica? Don't go without a copy of the newly released PDT District Business Guide for Liquica district, available in both English and Tetum. This Guide features the details of 36 businesses active in Liquica district in a range of areas including acccommodation, bamboo furniture production, construction, hand-crafts and steel fabrication.

District Business Guides in pdf format can now be downloaded from the PDT Timor-Leste blogspot ( for the districts of Aileu, Ainaro, Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera, Lautem, Liquica, Manufahi and Viqueque. PDT Timor-Leste expects to release a District Business Guide for the district of Manatuto in coming weeks.

PDT Timor-Leste's business verification and online procurement database program is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and AusAID.