Tuesday 7 October 2008

Announcing the Cova Lima Business Guide

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Announcing Cova Lima District Business Guide:

Cova Lima


Dili, Timor-Leste, 01 October 2008 –

This is the second in a series of 13 District Business Guides.

The Guide is based on verification activities undertaken by PDT in Cova Lima during August 2008 and features the details of dozens of Cova Lim businesses.

Go to http://www.buylocaltimorleste.blogspot.com/ to access the guides.

In coming months, PDT will produce District Business Guides for all of Timor-Leste’s thirteen districts. The data included in this guide was accurate at the time of survey. Resources permitting, the data will be updated at regular intervals.

In case of errors or inaccuracies, please write to timordatabase@peacedividendtrust.org or contact PDT on +670 332 2823.

Aanunsia imediatamente.

Matadalan ba Negosiu Distritu Nian - Cova Lima


Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) Timor-Leste nia Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian ne’e nu’udár ida-uluk iha série foun ida husi PDT nia Matadalan ba Negósi Distritu nian. Matadalan ne’e bazeia ba aktividade verifikasaun nian sira ne’ebé mak PDT halao ona iha Cova Lima durante fulan Agostu 2008 no fó detallu sira kona-bá negósiu barak iha Cova Lima.

Ba http://www.buylocaltimorleste.blogspot.com/ atu hetan matadalan ida ne'e.Iha fulan hirak tuirmai, PDT sei prodúz Matadalan ba Negósiu Distritu nian ba Timor-Leste nia distritu sanulu resin-tolu hotu-hotu, no série sira ne’e sei ramata ho produsaun ba Matadalan ba Negósiu Timor-Leste nian. Dadus ne’ebé inklui iha matadalan ida-ne’e ezatu iha tempu ne’ebé halo levantamentu. Bainhira rekursu sira permite, dadus sira-ne’e sei atualizadu iha intervalu sira regulár nian.

Iha kazu kona-bá erru ka inezatidaun, favór hakerek ba timordatabase@peacedividendtrust.org ka kontaktu PDT iha +670 332 2823.