In September 2008, the Micro Matchmaking (M3) team received a request from the Office of the President of the Republic seeking suppliers of office furniture produced by carpenters from around Timor-Leste. Through assistance from the M3 staff in Baucau and Lautem, PDT provided the Office of the President with a portfolio of domestic suppliers.

On March 17, 2009, M3 Associate Mr. Ilidio Ximenes da Costa and Brigida Soares (pictured with the Haburas Group in Viqueque) met with Mr. Marcelino Soares from the Haburas Group, which is a supplier of office furniture in Viqueque, to discuss the request. As a result, Mr. Marcelino established contact with the Office of the President. According to Mr. Marcelino, this contact led to a specific request for hardwood filing cabinets from The Office of the President. The total estimated value of the transaction facilitated by M3 is $17,400. "I am very satisfied with PDT program which helps me to promote or market my products to the buyers", said Mr. Marcelino.
The Haburas Group sells home and office furniture, such as: cupboards, beds, doors, windows, door frames, window frames, chairs and tables. Any request for information on these products can be directed to:
Mr. Marcelino Soares
Phone number: +670 - 7289815
Address: Suco Beloy, Sub District -Viqueque District Viqueque – Timor-Leste