Matchmaking-Dili successfully facilitated transaction at value US$ 113,000.00
Servisu Suporta Ligasaun (M2)-Dili facilita ho sucesu tranzasaun ho valor US $ 113,000.00
In September 2008, the Peace Dividend Trust matchmaking team in Dili and districts received request from the Office of the President of the Republic seeking suppliers of office furniture from carpenters around Timor-Leste. The matchmaking team in Dili working alongside with the Micro matchmaking team in districts to source the information and lodged a detailed matchmaking report to the office of the President of the Republic.
Iha Setembru 2008, Servisu Suporta Ligasaun (M2) husi Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) nian iha Dili no distritus simu pedidu husi edificio Presidente da Republika Demokritika de Timor-Leste nebe buka mobiliarios ba edificio nian husi karpintario hotu-hotu iha rai Timor laran. M2 iha Dili koolabora ho Servisu Suporta Ligasaun mikro (M3) iha distritu hodi buka informasaun no hato’o relatorio detailha M2 ba iha edificio Presidente da Republika Demokratica de Timor-Leste.
In June 2009, the matchmaking team in Dili received a confirmation from Baniuaga 1 that they have supplied the office of the President of the Republic with significant numbers of carpentry products namely, door and door frame, garden wooden gate, medium and large work desks, round tables, conference tables, reception desk, wooden garbage bins, Atauro statues, filling cabinets, photo and drawing frames, chairs etc.
Iha Juno 2009, tim M2 nian iha Dili simu konfirmasaun husi kompania Baniuaga 1 katak sira fornese tiha ona ba edificio Presidente da Republika Demokratika de Timor-Leste, produto carpintarias ho quantidade barak hanesan odamatan, arus, portaun jardin nian, meza secretaria media no bot, meza redondas, meza conferencia, balcao recepsionista, lixu fatin husi ai, estatua Atauro, moldura (photo/drawing frame), kadeiras, etc.

Pic 1. Stack of half finished garbage bins for President Office. Lixu fatin nebe besik hotu ona ba Edificio Presidente Republika nian.

Pic 2. Work desks specially make for the President office Meza secretaria nian nebe desenha deit ba iha edificio Presidente Republika nian
This marked a total estimated value of US$113,000.00 transaction facilitated by the matchmaking team in Dili. Eduardo Belo said “As a result of PDT work I have employed more skilled carpenters on the job, including 2 permanent and 6 part time Atauro sculptures from the cloister business in Colmera”.
Ho rezultadu iha leten ne’e, tim M2 nian iha Dili konsege fasilita tranzasaun ida ho valor US$113,000.00. Eduardo Belo sublinha ”Tamba PDT nia servisu hau konsege fo emprego ba karpenteiru diak balun, inkluidu skulpturas permanente 2 no temporario 6 husi negosio kaki lima iha Colmera”.

Pic 3. Atauro statues…Estatua Atauro…

Pic 4 & 5. Baniuaga hired Atauro sculptures to work on the both side of President office main entrance.. Baniuaga kontratu ho skulpturas Atauro sira hodi halo servisu balun ba iha odamatan entrada nian sorin rua..

Pic 6. President office conference room furnished with locally produce furniture...Edificio Presidente nia sala konferencia nakonu ho mobilias nebe produs iha rai laran...
Baniuaga 1 owned by Eduardo Belo, is one of the few largest carpentry companies in Dili, Timor-Leste. To make a good markets for their products they have introduce naturally unique painting application on their furniture. As Timorese owned business Eduardo Belo never stops being creative. He has also designed some easy to assemble office furniture which is new for the market. He recently ordered a new set of kiln facility to improve wood quality. As soon as he gets it installed then Baniuaga will become one of the two carpentry companies in the country which have kiln processing facility.
Kompania Baniuaga 1 nebe nia nain maka Eduardo Belo, nudar kompania karpintaria bot ida entre compania bot balun iha Dili, Timor-Leste. Atu kria merkadu diak ba iha sira nia produtu, Baniuaga introdus aplikasaun pintura natural e uniku ba iha sira nia mobiliarius. Hanesan Timor oan ida nebe iha negosio, Eduardo Belo nunka para ho ideas kreativus. Nia mos desenha mobiliarios ba gabinete nebe fasil atu monta ka desmonta nebe foun ba merkadu. Atu hadia qualidade ai ba nia mobiliarios, foin lalais ne’e Eduardo halo requizasaun ba set facilidade oven (kiln) foun ida nebe to ona iha nia kompania. Baniuaga 1 sei sai kompania segundu nebe iha facilidade procesa sistema oven iha rai laran wainhira nia monta ona facilidade ne’e.
Baniuaga 1 Mobile 1: +670 725 0880. Mobile 2: +670 727 9477
Land line: +670 331 0732
Fax : +670 331 0732