Friday 19 June 2009

Peace Dividend Trust Breaks Ground with the Use of SMS.

English translation below.

Ba Publikasaun Emidiatu: Dili – Timor-Leste

Peace Dividend Trust Breaks Ground Liu Husi SMS.

Hahu husi fulan Fevreiro 2008 Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) halao ona programa micro -matchmaking (ligasaun kiik) iha distrito 6, no aumenta ba didtrito 9 iha fulan Fevreiro 2009. Ida ne’e inkluido husi Lautem, Baucau, Viqueque, Manatuto, Manufahi, Ainaro, Cova Lima, Bobonaro no Oecusse. Aktividades ne’e fokus/haree liu ba hamosu, no ou fasilita ba transaksaun negosio iha area rurais entre sosa nain lokal no internasional. Usa kapasidade lokal nebe iha base no base de dadus Peace Dividend Trust Building Markets husi tim micro-matchmaking nebe manaje ona 4, 300 transaksaun negosio iha distrito 9 iha area rurais. Transaksaun sira nebe halao ona mak balun hanesan; halal chicken ba officiais UNPOL, transaksaun medium ba karau vaka nebe halao internal no external iha Timor-Leste no mos iha transaksaun ba seitores konstrusaun no aluga.

Brigada Soares - PDT, Dili.

Atu hatoo ou habelar informasaun kona ba negosius iha area nebe ho geografia mak luan tebes la fasil atu halo monitorisasaun no relatorio ba aktividades atu hetan diak ba serwisu. Maibe resultado husi Team PDT ba Micro-Matchmaking hanesan pioner ida nebe hahu usa sistema SMS (Short Message Service) nebe mak sistematiku tebes hodi simu no haruka informasaun ba operasaun implementasaun serwisu no relatorio.

Tim PDT ba Micro-matchmaking haruka relatorio nebe usa kodiku iha SMS ba PDT iha Dili iha lor-loron kona ba informasaun transaksaun nebe halao entre sosa nain/komprador, faan nain/fornesedor no kona sasan. Too ba agora dadaun ne’e PDT Dili simu ona liu husi 2, 100 SMS husi staff iha distrito ba iha Dili informa kona ba sira nia aktividades. Ida ne;e hatudu katak halao buat ida mak efesiensia liu no konsidera la usa tempo barak no osan barak maibe lori lian no halao serwisu nebe produktivo ba sosa nain/komprador no faan nain/fornesedor ihaq Timor-Leste.

Atu hetan informasaun klean liu bele haree iha Peace Dividend Trust at no Ilidio da Costa Ximenes Vice Director PDT, Mobile: +670 723 3335

For Immediate Release: Dili – Timor-Leste

Peace Dividend Trust Breaks Ground with the Use of SMS.

Since February 2008 Peace Dividend Trust (PDT) has been conducting micro-matchmaking activities in 6 districts, and 9 since February 2009. These include Lautem, Baucau, Viqueque, Manatuto, Manufahi, Ainaro, Cova Lima, Bobonaro and Oecusse. These activities are focused on creating, and or facilitating business transactions in rural areas between local and international buyers and local suppliers. Using local on the ground knowledge and the Peace Dividend Trust Building Markets database the micromatchmaking team has managed over 4,300 business transactions in the above 9 rural districts. These range from the provision of halal chicken to UN Police officers, medium scale cattle transactions internal and external to Timor-Leste in addition to property construction and rental.

Given the large amount of business information being generated across such a large geographical space monitoring and reporting of this activity has been critical for success. As result the PDT Micromatchmaking Team has pioneered the systematic use of SMS (Short Message Service) facilities to send and receive information for operations implementation and reporting.

All PDT Micromatchmaking Teams send a coded SMS message to PDT HQ in Dili at the end of every business day detailing the transactions conducted with information on buyer, supplier, and good/service. Spread across all teams this means that PDT HQ has received over 2,100 SMS messages from its district staff informing HQ of their activities. This has enable efficiencies, and saved a considerable amount of time and money in ensuring the delivery of a sound and productive service to buyers and suppliers in Timor-Leste.

Peace Dividend Trust is also moving forward with more ambitious plans to use blast bulk SMS for the delivery of tender / contract alerts in the future.

For more information please contact Peace Dividend Trust at and Ilidio da Costa Ximenes Vice Director PDT, Mobile: +670 723 3335